Sunday, July 13, 2008

And she's off....

Today was the day and without getting all Dr. Seuss I had my running shoes laced and was off on my way. Ok, that was enough. I hopped or rather stepped curiously on the treadmill and spent35 minutes, doing intervals. I probably should have waited one more day for this chest cold to end but... I didn't.

I have exercise induced asthma so it takes awhile for breathing to kick in. Once the breathing was good and the initial coughing stopped I was Ok. Though it felt like someone had attached a sack of potatoes to my ass and a watermelon to my stomach at times, I had a visual that I must look like Homer Simpson with tatas and a va-jay-jay.
That's probably not a healthy self body image. Work in progress, now I just need to remember that.

There was absolutely nothing on the TV at that time and while I used to run and read, I have my treadmill wedged between a couch and a sliding glass door and thought it was a bit early in the game to try any fancy moves.

Part of my routine will be to read a bit of this fine philosophical book by one of the running world's most well-known runner Dr. George Sheehan every night before I go to bed. Running, beside the positive effects, helps with my mental clarity and we all know I could use a bit of that right now.

The goal is to run on Wednesday's, Friday and Sunday's, for the next up and coming week.


kate said...

WOO HOO!!!! YAY! Another person who won't get (as) bored when I talk about running crap! Cool!

And I'll have to check out that book. It looks very interesting.

Jules said...

Yay! Good job. :)

Io said...

Kick butt Kara!

Kara said...

Thanks guys - I really appreciate the support!

You all rock :-)

Emily (Apron Strings) said...

(In my best Homer voice) Woo-hoo!

And somehow, I just can't picture you looking all female-Homer-ish ...

But YAY Kara!