Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day Two of South Beach or why I love bread

I love bread and right now - I'm going through some BADASS withdrawals. WHOA. I mean - I'm jones-ing for some bread in a serious way.

Today was good, I didn't realize how often I eat out of boredom. Throughout the day, I found myself saying "Are you hungry because you are physically hungry or are you hungry because you are bored. More than not, it was the latter.

I was struggling with dinner, called Jules who was also struggling with the thought of eating our prescribed dinner. During my phone call to Duane, I even said (non-chalantly, of course) I could just swing by Islands and pick up some burgers. He was supportive and reminded me that we had chicken defrosting. Thanks hun, thanks a bunch.

I had a good twenty minute daydream of me eating bread and schmearing my favorite butter all over it. AB would be proud, it was a total food porn moment, complete with cheesey - bow- chick- a- bow-m-wow music and all.

While I was making (and dreading) dinner. I had the brilliance to remember that I had not eaten my laughing cow cheese earlier and took bites of it along with the mixed greens. Seriously fantastic combo with the balsamic vinegrette, mixed greens made laughing cow light garlic herb cheese - almost taste like goat cheese. One of the few goat products I enjoy.

1 comment:

Jules said...

LOL! There are two open bars of Ritter Sport in my freezer. Every time I open it to get ice, there they sit...begging me to pull them out and stuff them down my pie-hole!